Features Available
Feature Drinks/Food Menus
Upload your drinks and food menus so customers can access them at any time. Include prices, descriptions, images and reviews. Give customers a chance to look at your menus before they visit.
Push Notifications
Use Push Notifications to broadcast messages directly to your App users. Use the advanced control features to define who, where and when you send your messages."
Events Calendar
Use the calendar to list all of the events taking place in your pub or bar, such as open-mic nights, gigs and more. Set a limit on the amount of availabilities for each event and include full information."
Simple, Convenient Customer Booking
Engaged telephone lines, or not
getting to phone in time means
losing business.
Let customers request a booking
via your App and keep track of
your customers by never missing
out on an appointment again.
Allow customers to book out your
facilities for private events by billing
out a booking form.